Everyone Can Sing - Deke Sharon

A cappella guru Deke Sharon is not a fan of people being told they can’t sing. He says not only can everyone sing, but that vocal music has played a major role in history, culture, and communication. In this J.W. Pepper interview Sharon talks about the need for music in education and in society.
Read the blog: http://blogs.jwpepper.com/index.php/a...
Find Deke Sharon’s sheet music here: https://www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/...
Watch Deke’s other interview pieces with J.W. Pepper here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Created by J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc.
Produced by Rocco Richardson, Tom Sabatino & Celena McAfee
Filmed by Rocco Richardson & Frank Guardino
Edited by Rocco Richardson
Additional photos & video provided by Deke Sharon
Deke Sharon still photo: Nina Westervelt
The House Jacks – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD28w...
Music in video: “Zephaniah” by C3NC – https://artlist.io/song/3583/zephania...
Interview filmed on location at the 6th & I Synagogue, Washington, D.C. – https://www.sixthandi.org
Interviewer: Tom Sabatino
Featuring: Deke Sharon